Huanghuacheng Great Wall

Located 29 km northwest of Huairou city, Huanghuacheng Great Wall, with a reservoir, is an unwonted great wall in Beijing boundary, which contains both water and mountains. When summer comes, all the villages and houses are deeply immersed in yellow flowers, hence the name Huanghuacheng (Yellow Flower Great Wall).

Huanghuacheng Great Wall History

huanghuacheng great wallEarly in the Yuan dynasty, here used to be dotted with prosperous villages and in the Ming dynasty, it became a town of military importance, named "BenzhenguanPass".

The construction began in the Ming dynasty, and, according to legend, under the supervision of General Cai Kai. Due to the false accusation of jerry-build by a treacherous official, General Cai was beheaded by emperor. Later, when an official sent by the emperor to the wall found the wall actually was solid and steep, instead of the output of jerry and slipshod work, the emperor realized that he had wronged General Cai. Soon, the tomb of Cai was rebuilt and a memorial stele was stood. Besides, the emperor also order people to carve two characters, "Jin Tang", on a huge rock under the wall, indicating the firmness and stoutness of the wall.

Huanghuacheng Great Wall Features

Outside the tour area, Huanghuacheng Great Wall, with coarse line, broken body, as well as ubiquitous bramble, appears majestic and desolate. Winding its way above the lofty and precipitous peaks, and finally fading into far distance, the wall abidingly attracts tired climbers to discover its mysterious veil. In mid-summer, visitors can view the yellow flowers, while in late autumn, visitors can fully enjoy the boundless yellow leaves.

Huanghuacheng Great Wall Tours

Huanghuacheng Great Wall is 80km (50 miles), 1.5 hours drive from downtown Beijing. Huanghuacheng Great Wall, with a reservoir,coarse line, broken body, as well as ubiquitous bramble, appears majestic and desolate. Summer and autumn is the best time to visit Huanghuacheng Great Wall when all the villages and houses are deeply immersed in yellow flowers.

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